Gerhard Ebeling

Gerhard Ebeling was born in Berlin in 1912, and died in Zürich in September 2001 at the age of 89.

“Tensions in Luther’s Theology 1: Reformation: Word and Deed” (1963)

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Bio from Fortress Press, 3/27/2012

Gerhard EbelingEbeling studied theology under Rudolf Bultmann at Marburg, Emil Brunner at Zürich, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer in the “illegal” seminary at Finkenwalde. After pastoring a Confessing Church congregation in Berlin during the war years, he joined the faculty at Tübingen, followed by several decades as Professor of Fundamental Theology and Hermeneutics at the University of Zürich. His classic Luther: An Introduction to His Thought (1970) has also has been reissued recently by Fortress Press.