Voices of Faith at Work in the World
Reading the words of an inspired leader may stir your mind. Hearing that leader speak might ignite your soul.
1191 Programs Available • Free Unlimited Listening
The historical religion programs in this collection came from the archives, library shelves, and back rooms of many organizations. Faith groups represented include African Methodist Episcopal, Baptist, Episcopal, Lutheran, Mennonite, Methodist, Presbyterian, Quaker, Roman Catholic, Salvation Army, United Church of Christ, United Methodist, and others.
This SoundTheology online archive is an independent service of Audio-Rescue.com, provided in conjunction with the United Methodist General Commission on Archives and History (GCAH). Many of these programs would have been lost forever if not saved in this project. The originating institutions have made the recordings available for public access to further private study, scholarship, and research. They retain the rights to the recordings.
This audio collection has been chosen for inclusion in the Library of Congress Radio Preservation Task Force Sound Collection Database.