United Methodist Agencies and Organizations: Use this database to add your programs to SoundTheology.org and the United Methodist Archives (GCAH).

  • Register Yourself as a User
  1. Sign up using this form. Click the “Sign Up” button.
  2. Fill in the form. Your group will be “Organizations”.
  3. After you submit your login information, you’ll be able to sign in right away.
  • Register Your Organization
  1. Add your organization details. Click the “Organizations” button. Then fill in all fields and click on “Save Changes”. Your organization is now registered. (Note: Users cannot see each other’s information.)
  • Add Your Programs
  1. Now click on the “Programs” button above your organization’s name. Click “Add New” and you can add your first program. Fill out the fields, including all available information. Upload an mp3 if available (up to 40MB). Save by clicking the “Save New” button.
  2. Add additional programs by clicking the “Add New” button.
  3. Come back any time, sign in, and add more programs or edit ones you already added.

We will process your information and audio and check back with you. We will also ask you to supply high-quality wav files, if you have them, for archival purposes. We hope you will provide them on a USB drive. We’ll check in with you about this.