Contact Form for Annual Conference Commissions on Archives and History

Please use this form to indicate interest in providing historic audio to the General Commission on Archives and History and to Or use this form for any comment or question.

Archives Form

Answers to Common Questions

What kinds of audio are appropriate for this project? Typically, these are presentations made at conferences and meetings of the church, or at a seminary. They might also be interviews or radio programs.

How would we send our audio? We have an upload page where you can directly upload MP3 and WAV files. Or you can send the audio on a USB thumb drive.

How can we provide the metadata? We have an online database where you can easily fill in the information. If you wish, you can email it to us on a spreadsheet or a Word doc.

What metadata do you need? If you look at the current resources, you’ll see much of it on the screen. We need title, speakers, description, date of recording,  venue of presentation, and other basic details. In addition, we ask for optional details such as original tape base, tape speed, playback machine, and date of digitizing.

Can we provide musical presentations? No and Yes. No, we will not add musical presentations to the online system. Yes, we will catalog musical presentations and add them to the GCAH archives collection.

What if we have important audio, but it has not been digitized? It really needs to be digitized soon because audio tape deteriorates. We suggest you find a way to have the tapes digitized in a proper manner. For a charge, we do that work in a professional manner. Ask if you want to know more about the process and cost of having us digitize your audio.

Who retains rights to the presentations? You should have the rights to audio you add to the system. You retain the rights, and that statement is shown with each presentation on the website.