Copyright Policy

As part of our work to preserve and share audio programming of historical significance, we provide access to the programs in this collection on this website. The originators of the programs retain copyright. We present the audio online under the Fair Use (17 U.S. Code § 107) exception of U.S. Copyright law (U.S. Code, Title 17) for purposes of “criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research.” Reproduction and publication of materials protected by copyright for purposes beyond that allowed by fair use require the written permission of the copyright holder. Responsibility for assessing copyright status and for securing any necessary permission rests exclusively with the user.

Removal Policy

If you claim copyright and believe our use of materials constitutes an infringement or a violation of privacy, you may submit a removal request.

A removal request may be initiated by:

1. The individual or organization who is the copyright holder.
2. The individual or organization who is the subject of the record containing personal or confidential information.
3. A legally-authorized agent representing the copyright holder or record subject.

To submit a removal request, please download this PDF Form. Fill it out and send it to, or mail it to: c/o M. Hickcox
7 Cottage St
Belfast, ME 04915

We will investigate your claim. A resolution will be communicated in writing. If an infringement or privacy violation is determined to have occurred, the item in question will be removed.