Methodist / United Methodist History

At least 556 recordings in this collection are related to the Methodist / United Methodist Church, providing a varied and deep insight. Included are these special recordings:

  • The 1939 merger that created The Methodist Church
  • The 1968 merger of the E.U.B. and The Methodist Church
  • Earl Kent Brown’s 10-part series on American Methodism, and 5-part series on John Wesley’s Methodism
  • Albert Outler’s 4-part series on Evangelism in the Methodist Tradition

To find programs on Methodism, go to our Audio Programs page and use the search system drop-downs:

Subject: look for History: Methodist, Central Jurisdiction, U.M General Conference, and Wesley, John – or any other subject you wish.

Selected Speakers: find such speakers as Earl Kent Brown, Fred Corson, Van Bogard Dunn, Judith Craig, Alvin Deer, William Boyd Grove, Charlene Kammerer, Leontine Kelly, Harry Lambdin, Joseph Lowery, Frederick Maser, Albert Outler, William Quick, Ellen Johnson Sirlief, Forrest Stith, Prince Albert Taylor, James Thomas, C. Dale White, and Woodie White.