Church of the Saviour. Washington DC
The Church of the Saviour in Washington, DC is a network of nine independent, ecumenical Christian faith communities and over 40 ministries that have grown out of the original Church of the Saviour community founded in the mid-1940s. The current ministries and faith communities are the result of an alternative approach to “church” and church structures, which is the hallmark of the Church of the Saviour.
Randomly chosen program from the Church of the Saviour:
The Human Face of God |
Speaker(s): Walter Wink |
Description: Walter Wink (1935-2012) was an American biblical scholar, theologian, and activist who was an important figure in Progressive Christianity. Here, he preaches at Church of the Saviour in Washington DC. His scripture is Ezekiel 1:22-2:6. Wink earned a B.A. from Southern Methodist University in 1956. He completed his Master of Divinity in 1959 and his Ph.D. in 1963, both from Union Theological Seminary in New York City. Ordained as a Methodist minister in 1961, he served as Pastor of First United Methodist Church, in Hitchcock, Texas from 1962-67. He then returned to Union Seminary as an Assistant Professor of New Testament, then Associate Professor of New Testament, from 1967-1976. After being denied tenure at Union, he began teaching at Auburn Theological Seminary, remaining there until his death. | Length: 27:22 | Recording Date: February 28, 1999 | Recorded at: Church of the Saviour, Washington, DC |