Church of the Saviour. Washington DC




The Church of the Saviour in Washington, DC is a network of nine independent, ecumenical Christian faith communities and over 40 ministries that have grown out of the original Church of the Saviour community founded in the mid-1940s. The current ministries and faith communities are the result of an alternative approach to “church” and church structures, which is the hallmark of the Church of the Saviour.

Randomly chosen program from the Church of the Saviour:

Henri Nouwen speaks at Church of the Saviour

Speaker(s): Henri Nouwen

Description: Dr. Henri Nouwen, then a professor at Harvard Divinity School, had a close relationship with Church of the Saviour in Washington DC. Here, he speaks at Sunday morning worship. The internationally renowned priest and author, respected professor, and beloved pastor wrote more than 40 books on the spiritual life. He corresponded regularly in English, Dutch, German, French and Spanish with hundreds of friends and reached out to thousands through his Eucharistic celebrations, lectures, and retreats. Since his death in 1996, ever-increasing numbers of readers, writers, teachers and seekers have been guided by his literary legacy.

Length: 35:55
Recording Date: March 27, 1983
Recorded at: Church of the Saviour, Washington DC