Discipleship Ministries of The United Methodist Church




Discipleship Ministries, formerly known as the General Board of Discipleship (GBOD), is one of 13 international agencies, boards, and commissions of The United Methodist Church. Discipleship Ministries has the primary responsibility for the support of receiving, nurturing, and caring ministries of congregations in The United Methodist Church in the areas of Christian education, worship, music, evangelism, new church development, stewardship, lay leadership development, age-level (children, youth, adult) and family ministries, small-group ministries, ethnic local church concerns, devotional life, spiritual formation, and other areas related to the lives of people, church leaders, and the ministries of congregations.

Randomly chosen program from the Discipleship Ministries of The United Methodist Church:

The Challenges of Pastoral Theology Dealing with Violence in Society

Speaker(s): Peggy Way

Description: The Rev. Dr. Peggy Ann Brainerd Way (1931-2016) was scholar in pastoral care and the first woman appointed to a full-time position on the Vanderbilt Divinity School faculty. In addition, she was the first of two women to teach at the Jesuit School of Theology in Chicago. She also was the first woman faculty member in a field other than Christian education at McCormick Theological Seminary. In this talk, she urges concepts of pastoral theology that will open the way for congregations not only to care, but to be caring places. She suggest pastoral theology needs to gather concepts from many different sources and disciplines as it attempts to deal with violence in society.

Length: 52:54
Recording Date: January 29, 1990
Recorded at: Nashville, Tennessee