United Methodist General Commission on Archives and History (GCAH)



The General Commission on Archives and History (GCAH) gathers, preserves, and disseminates materials on the history of The United Methodist Church and its antecedents. It maintains archives and a library in which the historical records are kept.

Randomly chosen program from the General Commission on Archives and History:

Is St. Petersburg Another Memphis?

Speaker(s): A. D. King, Del Shields (host)

Description: Alfred Daniel Williams King, known as A. D. King, was the younger brother of Martin Luther King, Jr., the famed leader of the American Civil Rights Movement. A. D. King was a Baptist minister and a civil rights activist. He died in 1969, less than a year after this program was recorded.

Length: 58:18
Recording Date: July 19, 1968
Recorded at: WRVR Radio Studio, New York City